Weekly Newsletter
To Our SMC Faithful,
Grace and peace to each of you. Our Lord continues to bless our church in so many ways. The sermons we have received from our visiting ministers have been superb! Thanks to Rev. Michael Brown for last week’s message. I encourage you to continue to worship with us and to ask those of you who have yet to attend to join us this Sunday, February 2nd at 9:45 AM at the SMC Seventh-day Adventist Church campus - 520 Gahagan Rd, Summerville, SC. The Rev. Robert Jackson, M. Div. will be preaching this Sunday.
As reminder, Rev. Ross Chellis’ first Sunday in the pulpit will be on February 16th. Let’s plan on packing packing the gym for his first SMC worship service!
SMC is going to host a drop-in for Ross and his family on February 21st. More details in next week’s newsletter!
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY EVENT - “Cooking up God’s Love”; RSVP by February 5th
Robyn and Dana Schmieding will be hosting an upcoming Children’s Ministry. The event is for children ages 5 to 12 years old. It will be held in The Candlelite Pavilion at Summerville Country Club on Sunday, February 16th from 4:00PM to 6:00PM. Activities will include four Bible Game Stations and two Bible Craft Stations. These stations will be guided by Summerville Methodist Church teens.
Following the activity stations, the children will enjoy a sit-down dinner of chicken fingers and fries served by tuxedo clad gentlemen volunteers. Our very own Pastor Ross will be giving the blessing. Dessert will be a homemade cookie bar served by volunteer ladies wearing, you guessed it, chef’s hats! Dana will serve as head maitre d' and if you know Miss Robyn, she will of course, be wearing her full chef's costume!
SMC is creating a digital directory for our new pastor. We will begin taking pictures before and after worship service this Sunday and will continue each Sunday through February 16th. We invite you to stop by and get your family’s picture taken - either just before or right after the 9:45 AM service.
Click the link below to complete contact information.
SMC will start the process for ordering church name tags on Sunday, February 2 for those that would like one. A table with sign-up sheets will be set up from 8 AM until after the service that morning. We will repeat this process on the following Sunday. Future orders will be available on an ongoing basis. Information on this process will follow later.
Each tag will be $15. If you’re paying by check, please make it payable to Summerville Methodist Church with “Name Tag” written on the subject line. If you’re paying with cash, please bring the correct change.
Monies will be collected at the sign-up table where you place your order.
IMPORTANT: if you want MORE THAN 1 name tag, please write your name on a separate line for EACH tag. Please print clearly exactly how you want your name to read on your tag.
If you have any questions, please see Jami Martin at the sign-up table.
Chris Glaze is actively reaching out to members of the church to establish Volunteer Teams for Worship, Christian Education, and Music. These three teams represent the first of our volunteer needs. Remember, we are a laity driven church and those who would like to serve are encouraged to contact Chris Glaze at 843-327-1449.
Last week's parking at the 7th Day Adventist Church was better due to your car-pooling efforts. We encourage you to continue to find a friend with whom you can carpool and fellowship with on the way to worship!
Presently we have the following schedule for Sunday School Classes carrying over from Bethany UMC:
• Meeting at 8:30 AM will be the Seekers and Good Shepherd Sunday School Classes.
• Our Daily Bread (11 AM) will meet after church.
• Youth and Children Classes will be organized once Pastor Ross arrives, who will be charged with Christian Education for Children, Youth and Adults.
• We met with Pastor Nick of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on Monday afternoon, and we have officially requested additional space to accommodate our growing Sunday School needs. We are waiting for a response from the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
• We can continue to see old and new friends at our worship services. What a blessing God has given us!
Our Scripture this Sunday will come from Micah 6: 1-8 and from 1 Corinthians 9:19-23. The Rev’d Robert Jackson will deliver his sermon, “Becoming and Winning” on Sunday. Liturgist will be Kevin Carter.
Romans 8:38-39: "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord."
web: Summerville Methodist Church
contact: summervillemethodistchurch@gmail.com
mailing address: P.O. Box 839 Summerville, SC 29484